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9 Foods That Affect Your Skin

Everyone wants to have healthy and clear skin, right? Some of us have a multi-step skincare routine and a lot of products, while others focus only on washing and moisturizing. The thing is, nothing has the power to affect the way your skin looks quite as much as what foods you eat. It is well known that high-collagen foods and antioxidants represent natural ways to maintain a youthful skin. But there are also foods you may want to avoid if you want to keep wrinkles, acne and other skin issues away from you. Before revealing these certain foods, it's important to know that we have science on our side. For instance, several studies showed there is a link between acne and certain foods. Also, many dermatologists concluded that - spoiler alert! - alcohol can dry the skin and make it lose its elasticity. That being said, here's a list of 9 foods that affect your skin.